A disaster is happening in slow motion at our planet's poles and climate change is to blame. How long can we survive the triggering of this dangerous feedback loop? In this, the inaugural episode of Ashes Ashes, we explore the melting polar ice caps, the science behind this process, and what that might mean for humanity's future.
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@Article{vihma2014effects, author = {Vihma, Timo}, title = {Effects of Arctic sea ice decline on weather and climate: a review}, journal = {Surveys in Geophysics}, year = {2014}, volume = {35}, number = {5}, pages = {1175--1214}, publisher = {Springer}, }
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@Misc{potenza_2017, author = {Potenza, Alessandra}, title = {Smoggy in Beijing? A lack of Arctic sea ice may be to blame}, month = {Mar}, year = {2017}, journal = {The Verge}, publisher = {The Verge}, url = {https://www.theverge.com/2017/3/15/14934850/china-air-quality-airpocalypse-climate-change-arctic-sea-ice-snowfall}, }
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@Misc{gardner_2017, author = {Gardner, Timothy}, title = {Arctic sea ice melt to exacerbate California droughts: study}, month = {Dec}, year = {2017}, journal = {Reuters}, publisher = {Thomson Reuters}, url = {https://www.reuters.com/article/us-science-arctic-california-drought/arctic-sea-ice-melt-to-exacerbate-california-droughts-study-idUSKBN1DZ16K}, }
@InCollection{copland2017factors, author = {Copland, Luke and Mortimer, Colleen and White, Adrienne and McCallum, Miriam Richer and Mueller, Derek}, title = {Factors contributing to recent Arctic ice shelf losses}, booktitle = {Arctic ice shelves and ice islands}, publisher = {Springer}, year = {2017}, pages = {263--285}, }
@InProceedings{tilling2016comparison, author = {Tilling, R and Ridout, A and Shepherd, A}, title = {A comparison of four estimates of Arctic sea ice thickness and volume}, booktitle = {AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts}, year = {2016}, }
@InProceedings{granskog2016increased, author = {Granskog, MA and R{\"o}sel, A and Provost, C and Sennechael, N and Dodd, PA and Martma, T and Leng, MJ}, title = {Increased snow contribution to Arctic sea ice mass balance}, booktitle = {AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts}, year = {2016}, }
Daniel Forkner & David Torcivia
Additional Research by:
Michael Torcivia
Published 02-11-2017 21:31